Fully Custom, Genuine Pro-Grade NORTHERN WHITE ASH Bat

Fully Custom, Genuine Pro-Grade NORTHERN WHITE ASH Bat
Item# NWA
Length:  Weight:  Bats:  Cupping:  Heartwood-Upgrade?:  Custom-Brand:  Painted-Handle:  Custom-Labels:  Official-SOFTBALL-Bat?: 

Product Description

TRUE Northern White Ash is the traditional wood of choice for professional baseball. Some manufactures list their wood as "Ash" but be wary because there are many different species of "Ash."

Genuine Northern White Ash should clearly be identified on your bat because it is the best Ash species for baseball bats. Northern White Ash is an open grain wood which creates one of the best hardness to weight ratios of all wood used for baseball bats. You simply can't go wrong with one of our Northern White Ash bats. As with all the wood we use, this is pro quality, clear, straight grain (Especially important with White Ash!), high density, professional grade wood.

Hardness Rating: 1320

Weight: .60 (Lightest)

Impact Strength: 43